Elegant technical solutions. Proven execution.
Search, Interact & Shop
Shop items across the world. Interact & build your profile to message, shop & follow with thousands of users
Secure Sign-In
Sign-In with Facebook, Apple, Google and sync inventory with 3rd party API (Sonlet)

Native In-App Purchases
Subscribe & renew in the app using Apple & Google's native In App Purchasing
Detailed Analytic Data
Smarter, informed decisions from detailed live reports in Google Analytics and Big Query

Always Secure
Built secure from top to bottom by experts in networking security
Realtime Mapping
Google Maps integrated mapping and background location tracking

Available Globally
Natively cross-platform. Rapidly deploy features & updates to users in the background.
Cloud Storage
Hosting, Tracking & Auto-Scaling seamlessly in the cloud
Say hello team@synergetx.io